Imp/Exp Code 1305003233
Swastik export india is the leading exporter in the garment textile , swastik export india maintained its quality from more than a decade and kept the authenticity intact for their client base .
Be a Part of the swastik export community and enhance the business tie-ups
SWASTIK EXPORT INDIA has setup a world quality of seamless garments with the aim to establish a new culture of garments for both men and women.
The group has entered into new technology and would be a reference point for the vast range of seamless garments in India & abroad.
The product range basically comprises of garments in various blends such as polyamide, spandex and polypropylene and also natural fibres such as bamboo, cotton and viscose.
With the help of a young, motivated and professional team, we offer competitive prices and quality products meeting international standards.